
LionVu is a web mapping and data portal to assist Penn State Cancer Institute (PSCI) investigators and trainees with developing funding proposals, exploring hypotheses, and contributing to publications. LionVu allows clinical and population researchers to visualize and utilize health data at various levels of aggregation and geographical scales. It has over 400 data variables with separate displays for Pennsylvania and the PSCI’s 28-county catchment area.

  1. Scroll on Left or Right Display dropdown for changing the dataset and geography. Note: after pressing reset button displays reset back to defaults.
  2. On choropleth maps select bin classification, number of classes, ColorBrewer Color Scheme, values, and legend position by using the dropdown boxes (Default: first field, quantile method, 5 bins, orange ColorBrewer Color Scheme, No Reversal of Color Scheme, & Bottom Right Legend Position). Note: after pressing reset button displays reset back to defaults.
  3. Datatables contains buttons to export to CSV, modify page length, and adjust column visibility. Data are stored as Leaflet JS file format (i.e. GeoJSON to JavaScript) and converted to JQuery DataTables format.
  4. County Charts button to view two bar charts of displays and a scatter plot.
  5. Bivariate button to view either a 2x2, 3x3, or 4x4 bivariate map of county-level datasets along with a datatable of data used in the map. Options to change variables, color schema, methods, and bins for each displays for county-level datasets. Contains ability to download map to PDF; datatable to CSV.
  6. Videos contains a 5 minute video including:
  7. Feedback is a form for providing feedback for improvements to the website, using emails. Please do not put emails or hyperlinks in comments section. Includes checkbox to send the email message to the sender for documention purposes.
  8. Fullscreen Buttons that makes left or right displays Fullscreen, using JQuery Fullscreen 1.1.5. Can cancel fullscreen mode by using the esc button on keyboard, or clicking on the close fullscreen button on the top of the screen.
  9. Download (Download icon▼): Dropdown Menus of codebooks as a comma Separated Values (CSV) file of variable and labels for a given data set, Data to LeafletJS GIS plugin, and GEOJSON files


County boundaries were taken from the 2022 Tiger Shapefiles and stripped of all variables except NAME. County Data used in choropleth maps was downloaded from the sources website and linked to Pennsylvania and Catchment county geographies GeoJSON files using QGIS 3+ and the data_leafletjs plugin (Instructions to load to QGIS 3+) that merges and transforms the data into GeoJSON and Leaflet JS format. Point-level datasets (i.e., Health Care Facilities and Underserved Areas) were street and zip code geocoded using SAS 9.4 PROC GEOCODE, using lookup data from 2021 (SAS Maps Online). Next the point data are mapped and QGIS 3+, clipped to Pennsylvania and Catchment County Geographies and transfromed to JS using data_leafletjs. National Datasets not County were clipped to GeoJSON using QGIS to both Pennsylvania and Catchment county geographies and converted to JS, using data_leafletjs plugin. City of Bethlehem is in both Lehigh and Northampton counties, need to crosscheck county variable using What County Am I In?. Pennsylvania Census Tract and Catchment Area Census Tract data that excludes Lake Erie are also used for LionVu. Bivariate maps use code that was originated by Leaflet-d3-Bivariate-Choropleth-Map and added 2x2, 3x3, and 4x4 bivariate county mapping, which allows the user to change the data set, variables, color schema, methods, and bins for both variables selected by the user, as well as downloading the map (i.e., PDF) and datatable (i.e., CSV).


With support from the Penn State Cancer Institute (PSCI), Penn State University, Penn State Health, and the Social Science Research Institute, LionVu provides the Penn State community with data and its visualization to inform research and education to reduce the risk of cancer and other health conditions in Pennsylvania.  Additional thanks to Leaflet.js 1.9.4, Geostats.js 2.1.0, Chroma.js 2.4.2, jQuery Fullscreen 1.1.5, Datatables 1.13.8 and plug-ins (jQuery 3.7.0, jQuery UI 1.13.2, Buttons 2.4.2, Column Visibility 2.4.2, HTML5 export 2.4.2, ColReorder 1.7.0, & Responsive 2.5.0), Leaflet-Betterscale 2.0.1, Dom-To-Image 2.6.0, leaflet-control-topcenter 2.0.1, Leaflet.EasyButton 2.4.0, Leaflet.SvgShapeMarkers 1.4.0, jsPDF.js 2.5.1, html2pdf.js 0.10.1, ApexCharts 3.41.0, and sweetalert2 11.10.1 for providing the plug-ins needed to improve LionVu. Download icons (Download icon, Download icon) made by Pixel Perfect and Rizki Ahmad Fauzi from Home button icon (🏠) from Trendline in JS were adapted from Draco Blue. Bivariate mapping functionality was adapted from Leaflet-d3-Bivariate-Choropleth-Map, which uses D3 5.9.7, d3-geo-projection.js 2.7.0, topojson.js 3.0.2, and L.D3SvgOverlay.js. Feedback form was adapted from PHP Pot. Website visitor counter was adapted from Hits. JavaScript files were minified using Minify JS Online to save space. Finally, in order to make the website more responsive we used PX to VW Converter, and responsive iframes.